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String manipulations

codext also defines multiple dummy string manipulation/transformation codecs, essentially for use with the CLI tool and for the sake of simplicity.

These transformation functions are simple string transformations, including str's methods.

Codec Conversions Aliases Comment
camelcase text --> camel-case text camel no decoding
capitalize text <-> capitalized text decoding "uncapitalizes" the text
lowercase text <-> lowercase text lower decoding is uppercase
pascalcase text --> pascal-case text pascal no decoding
screamingsnakecase text --> screaming-snake-case text screaming-snake, screaming_snake_case no decoding
slugify text --> slug slug, kebab, kebabcase no decoding
snakecase text --> snake-case text snake no decoding
swapcase text <-> case-swapped text swap, invert, invertcase
title text <-> titled text decoding "untitles" the text
uppercase text <-> uppercase text upper decoding is lowercase

Of course, these transformations have no interest while using them in Python as the str methods can be called. It can be useful while using codext from the terminal (see CLI tool).

Some simple examples:

$ echo -en "test string" | codext encode swap-case

$ echo -en "test string" | codext encode camel_case

$ echo -en "test string" | codext encode kebab_case

Dummy string operations

These transformation functions are simple string transformations.

Codec Conversions Aliases Comment
replace text <-> text with multi-chars replaced parametrized with a string and its replacement
reverse text <-> reversed text
reverse-words text <-> reversed words same as reverse but not on the whole text, only on the words (text split by whitespace)
strip-spaces text <-> all whitespaces stripped
substitute text <-> text with token substituted
tokenize text <-> text split in tokens of length N parametrized with N

As in the previous section, these transformations have no interest while using them in Python but well while using codext from the terminal (see CLI tool).

A simple example:

$ echo -en "test string" | codext encode reverse-words | codext encode reverse replace-\ _

Another example:

$ echo -en "3132333435" | codext encode tokenize-2
31 32 33 34 35

Or using encodings chaining:

$ echo -en "test string" | codext encode reverse-words reverse substitute-string/phrase
phrase test